About Alyson
Must love dogs. And she does, she really loves them. Alyson spent the last 10 years volunteering with various shelters and humane societies to do her part (and selfishly to spend more time with pups). Over those years, Alyson has fostered or facilitated adoptions of more than 40 dogs.
About 7 years ago she had a dog that was becoming increasingly aggressive; she sought professional help to keep herself and the dog safe. It was through the experience of learning how to better communicate with her sweet Oakley that I became fascinated with dog training. She began learning from her mentor, studying everything she could get her hands on, and joined a few professional groups. She began to learn that training a dog is easy – it’s training the humans that is the hard part! In early 2017 she bought Fantastic Fido’s with the goal of not only providing a safe and happy place for dogs but also educate and promote a lifestyle that includes our dogs comfortably.
When she was somewhere around 17 years old she made a flip chart to present to her parents about why they should adopt another dog (hers had recently passed). Alyson remembers the punch line being “people who have dogs are just happier.” It’s so true! Owning a business like this is a dream. Our goal at Fantastic Fido’s is to promote a healthy, happy environment for our pups and to help mold responsible dog owners!